SimplEcycle Desktops, Monitors and Other Electronics Shipping Label AND Box
90 Day Warranty
Free Shipping
(Certain Restrictions Apply) -
Professionally Refurbished
In-Store Pickup Available
For shipping any laptop to 3R Technology for processing.
- Good for shipping and recycling up to 50 pounds of electronics including desktops, monitors, printers, cables, peripherals, routers, and nearly anything with a cord.
- The label and box is mailed to you. The label must be taped to the box.
- The box dimensions are 20” x 20” x 20”.
- Includes data destruction.
- Includes certified e-waste recycling services for non-reusable phones.
- Email acknowledgment of receipt will be sent.
- After placing the order a label and box will be mailed to you.
- We recommend, if possible, that you perform a factory reset for your device and that you log out of any services that locks the laptop to the user, such as iCloud.
- Put the laptop in the packaging and box provided. Feel free to include cords and chargers. Don’t include manuals, cases, or bags.
- Schedule a pickup with UPS or drop it off at the nearest UPS location.
- Items are received by 3R Technology and an acknowledgment of receipt is emailed (only if email is provided).
Reuse is our priority. It’s good for the planet and makes technology more affordable. We reuse as many computers, phones, and other devices as possible, including for our non-profit and low-income technology access programs
- All non-reusable devices will be responsibly recycled. 3R Technology is an R2:2013 certified company which ensures that we follow the highest standards for electronics recycling.
3R Technology is a NAID (National Association of Information Destruction) AAA-certified facility, requiring that we securely destroy data on all devices and media.
- If you prefer to wipe the data on your device before mailing it in feel free to do so. An effective, free software to use on most laptops and PCs is KillDisk.